Make of these photos what you will! I have just put them up because I think they will interest a few people. These are photos I have just taken everyday.
On Tuesday I am going to visit my American AFS friend in Shanghai for about a week. I will come back on Sunday. I will definitely have some good things to write about after that. But while I am there I probably won't be able to post.
Recently it has just been school school school for me! I wake up at 6:30 and try to get to school by 7:30. Mostly I sit at my desk and write characters. Just about everyday I write a journal entry in Chinese so I can keep up my writing. My deskmate is cool. Unlike almost all the other students he isn't too into school. Which makes him more of a real person actually! I know how awful that sounds! He is funny and often asks me questions about America, where in turn I ask him about China.
The reason why I said he was more like a real person is because most Chinese students are so occupied with studying they can't be bothered to do/talk about anything else! School is their life and life is their school. Even on the weekends they are seldom available. When they are I always take the opportunity to be with them! I like school because you can talk to your friends at breaks and there is more socializing. I love my class!
My class is so nice to me, even though I do have one girl who amuses herself by refusing to speak Mandarin and only speaking the local dialect. She likes to watch my reaction and then laugh. I am sure if I were her I would think it's funny too! Right now my class is helping me prepare for yet another contest. This one I must sing though! I have to sing a bit of the school song. I am nervous, but i will do it nonetheless because I don't want to let down my class :)
~~~the following was written a day after the above text was typed
The weather has been rainy almost for two weeks straight! But recently it has been sunny and bright. Thus many people's spirits have been lifted. I just came back from shopping with a friend. We had a fun time desperately searching for winter clothes. If I do end up going north for Chirstmas I will need to know where the cheaper places are. However it turns out that the underground malls have limited things for men, they are shopping havens for women. It was fun nevertheless!
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